Friday, May 27, 2011

Pesce Week 5: The Monthening

Well it's official now, I've been a pescetarian for over a month now. This has been quite the endeavore so far. Not too difficult dietarily, but when it comes to ease of meals when my family eats meat it becomes more difficult as I have to cook my own meal before or after they do, or they have to cook me a separate meal. I appreciate their support through this personal challenge, I couldn't have asked for a better family to support me doing random stuff like this. Well that's it for this week's post, see you next week.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Pesce Week 4: The Somethinging

Well this week has been pretty uneventful. Not too much to report on, haven't really tried anything new this week except a bite from one of a Morningstar burger, and other Chik'n products. Oh and if you go to In N Out you should order chopped chilies on your burger/grilled cheese, so good. So yeah, see you guys next Friday.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pesce Week 3: The Unluckening

I only used that title because today is the dreaded Friday the 13th. -DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNN!- So week three has now come to a close and my pescetarian experience this week was primarily vegetarian. I had Rubio's fish tacos, which if you like fish are fantastic and on Tuesdays after like 2:30 are $1.25 each, and that's it for my fish this week. New vegetarian faux meats that I've tried are Morningstar's meatballs and their facon. While facon is not even close to the awesomeness that is bacon, it is pretty damn good, especially on a Boca burger with an egg. The meatballs are good, definitely not meatballs in flavor and they're a bit off in texture but they're still good. Also, I have to say, In and Out is my new favorite fast food right now, since my previous favorite one has almost nothing for me... Carl's Jr.

So this week a lot of people have been saying to me things along the lines of, "Kudos to you, but I don't think I could do that, I love meat too much." While I appreciate the kudos that were given it actually isn't that difficult to not eat meat, I am sure that it would be more difficult if I weren't to have my fake meats, but it's not that hard to do. The flavor and juicy texture of steaks and whatnot are missed, but as for things like not having protein or how without meat meals aren't filling I would disagree. I am getting plenty of protein from fake meats, fish and other various non-meats, and I'm actually feeling more full after meals lately than I had been. So I'm not saying you guys should try it, but I don't deserve too much kudos because it's not that hard.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Pesce Week 2: The Fishening

So here I am at the Friday of week two and I've got to say, this mess is still really easy. The only thing I run into with problems is if I'm just sitting around and I feel like making something quick I don't have as many options as I used to. I kinda broke a small personal promise I made myself that I would eat fish at most twice a week for health sake, mercury content and all, and I ate fish thrice this week. Granted the fish I ate this week were all fairly low in mercury content, seeing as Sunday I had Salmon which probably has near to the least mercury of all the fish out there.

Some of the vegetarian food I have tried so far consist of the following:
-Boca Burgers = BAWSE!
-Hormel Vegetarian Chili = There was something in the way they spiced it... I dunno just wasn't that good to me
-Morningstar Scrambles (their groundbeef) = crazy delicious
-Morningstar Chik'n Enchiladas = good, but the enchilada sauce was pretty whack
-Morningstar Chik'n Nuggets = I feel like I'm cheating when I eat them, seriously, so good.
So that's what I've tried in my first two weeks, I know in the remaining 33 weeks I will try so many more things and love it.
