We decide that we want to visit Riot Studios since we were down near their offices. So we find their address, or well two, and drive over there. We After finding the first address we go up to the building and find out it was locked. So we walked around to look to find the other building, turns out that one was probably their old building. We decide to go back to the first building just to check and as we were outside looking at the listing and saw Riot Games. At this point some guy walked out he talked to us for a bit and told us that he was on the third floor too. He asks us if we want him to go up and ask if someone would come down and we were like, "Sure, probably won't get us anything, but why not?" He goes up there and a few minutes later someone else walks out. We talk to the guy that works for Riot for a while and he's like, "Want to come up?" We're all, "HECK YES!" So we go up to the studios talking to him about the game and who we are, once we get there we meet Pendragon. To avoid making us sign NDAs he does a very swift walk around the office and then takes us back downstairs talking a bit more about the game. It was awesome!
Also, picture

jealous face